I hope that no-one takes offence at this - it's not meant to be offensive, merely recounting my experiences.
I lived in Cyprus 2005-2010 and had many friends in the filipino community there, including a Filipina fiancee and a Filipina who became my ex-wife no. 2. Religion was very important to very many of them, but it didn't seem to matter too much which religion it was as long as there was a sense of community and (importantly) a good social scene. Not surprising, of course, in a mistreated and expoilted community of ex-pats which the Filipinas surely were.
Most I spoke to had no idea of even the basics of the creed they subscribed to and were equally happy in the most orthodox RC church and the most charismatic pentecostilist protestant groups. It was far more about the social and supportive side of things.
Which, come to think about it, isn't so much different from many adherents to whatever religion, including JWs. Ask specific questions about the particular doctrines and beliefs of 'their' group and how they differ and you're unlikely (IME) to get a cogent and succinct response.
In particular reference to this religion, when one considers the pinoy diaspora (almost universally an exploited minority) it isn't surprising that it proliferates.